
You have chosen the Digitalization package from Caremantra. This gives you the following :

  • Your username and password to access your health records from
  • Health records presented both as a concise clinical summary of your medical life and the originals scanned and placed online.
  • Concise clinical summary linked to original records.
  • All numerical results tabulated chronologically for quick scanning.
  • Graphical presentation of your test results for comparison/analysis.
  • Your Carecard. This card is your Caremantra I.D.
  • Ability to upload scanned results throughout the year to your account. These will be examined by Caremantra staff and assimilated into the clinical summary.
  • Design your own Caremantra package. Health is individualized. What works for one person does not work as well for others, different clients have different needs from Healthcare providers. Let us know what, if any, specific changes you require, and we will organize it for you if possible. This could include :
    • Frequent delivery of report to a Physician/Institution
    • Frequent collection of reports.
    • Frequent updates with quicker assimilation to the summary.
    • Passing of your records between medical institutions.

Caremantra handling of medical information and transfer of medical information from one point to the other is modeled on the HIPAA ( Health insurance portability and accountability ) act passed by the United States in 1996. For more information go to

What is my Caremantra Healthcard?

Your Healthcard is your customer card. It entitles you to certain privileges.

Once Caremantra establishes your demographic and medical information we will then connect you better with the local medical community.

The benefits this will give you depending on your location are :

    a) Automatic updates of your Caremantra profile from your Doctor / Laboratory.

    b) Discounts at medical institutions.

    c) Preferred service in the appointment and reporting phase.

    d) Links to local institutions that follow medical techniques under nationally approved guidelines. ( As outlined by NABH/NABL and HIPAA )

    e) More features will be added.

Maintaining health is not a one time thing, your health is in your hands, use us to better hold your future.